
Moszkowski & Paderewski: Piano Concertos

Moszkowski & Paderewski: Piano Concertos

Piers Lane (piano), BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Jerzy Maksymiuk (conductor)


Of the myriad piano concertos composed in the second half of the nineteenth century all but a handful are forgotten. The survivors are played with a regularity that borders on the monotonous—the ubiquitous Tchaikovsky No 1, the Grieg, Saint-Saëns’s Second (in G minor), the two by Brahms and, really, that is just about all there is on offer. Pianists, promoters and record companies play it safe and opt for the familiar. Even a masterpiece can become an unwelcome guest, especially when subjected to an unremarkable outing by yet another indifferent player, as happens so frequently today.

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