
Boëllmann & Godard: Cello Sonatas

Boëllmann & Godard: Cello Sonatas

Mats Lidström (cello), Bengt Forsberg (piano)


The two cello sonatas on this recording are described by their performer, Mats Lidström, as belonging to the class of truly grand sonatas, along with the F major Sonata by Brahms. They come from late nineteenth-century Paris, and that tradition of French chamber-music composition which is marked out by an excellence of musical training and a seriousness of intent.

The melodic charm of Godard's Sonata is most strongly reminiscent of comparable compositions by Schumann; the Sonata by the tragically short-lived Boëllmann is marked out rather by virtuosic demands and an extraordinary range of almost Wagnerian harmonic sideslips.

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