
Schubert: Symphony No 10 & other unfinished symphonies

Schubert: Symphony No 10 & other unfinished symphonies

Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Sir Charles Mackerras (conductor)


Twenty years ago musicologists were not aware that Schubert's Tenth existed. The detective story leading to its revelation is told by Brian Newbould in the booklet of this CD. The manuscript was discovered in a folio in Vienna containing no fewer than three uncompleted Schubert symphonies including No 10, which the composer was working on when he died. It is therefore his very last music. Professor Newbould's work involved deciphering Schubert's sketches and then reconstructing the work and orchestrating it. In three movements, the symphony is a wonder, with a first movement containing one of Schubert's loveliest melodies, and a sombre and Mahlerian slow movement of great poignancy.

The CD also contains the other two fragmentary symphonies from the same folio—two movements of one started in 1818, and four movements of another dating from 1821.

To hear 'new' Schubert in 1997 is a wondrous thing. There is much lovely and so-far unknown music here. The quality of the Tenth should easly assure it of a place in the repertory.

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