
Chausson: Chamber Music

Chausson: Chamber Music

Pascal Devoyon (piano), Philippe Graffin (violin)


This recording brings together four of Chausson's chamber works from different periods of his short life. His youthful Piano Trio and the Andante and Allegro date from April 1881; the Pièce for cello and piano—one of his last compositions—from 1897.

Throughout his life the composer favoured vocal and chamber music. He wrote the Andante and Allegro (which is much more adventurous than its simple title implies) while preparing for the Prix de Rome. It was followed by the admirable and passionate Piano Trio in G minor, a work of an altogether different calibre and hue.

The programme's highlight is the first recording of the famous Poème in a version for piano, violin and string quartet (the same combination as for the famous Concert in D major, Op 21), discovered by chance in 1996.

This CD is a companion to the already issued disc of the Concert and the Piano Quartet by these artists (CDA66907). Chausson's only remaining chamber work, the String Quartet, was also recorded and intended for this disc, but it was too long. It is now available on CDA67097with the String Quartet No 2 of Vincent d'Indy, also played by the Chilingirian Quartet.

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