
Hahn & Vierne: Piano Quintets

Hahn & Vierne: Piano Quintets

Stephen Coombs (piano), Chilingirian Quartet


Reynaldo Hahn's reputation as the composer of some of the most attractive songs in the French repertoire has increased greatly in recent years with the issue of several recordings, especially Hyperion's 2-CD set (CDA67141/2). His chamber music is now beginning to appear on disc. Like the songs, this Piano Quintet is immediately appealing to anyone with a liking for tuneful, easygoing and not-too-profound chamber music. It was written in 1922.

Louis Vierne's Piano Quintet dates from 1917 and is a much sterner, melancholic work, written in memoriam to the composer's son who was killed in the Great War. Vierne is principally known as the composer of organ music, including six imposing symphonies. His chamber music is much less well known.

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