
Beethoven: The Complete Music for Piano Trio, Vol. 1

Beethoven: The Complete Music for Piano Trio, Vol. 1

The Florestan Trio


The Florestan Trio is now firmly established as one of Britain's—indeed the world's—most distinguished ensembles, and their Hyperion recordings of Schubert, Schumann, Dvořák and Brahms have received universal praise. Now, having completed recordings of all of Schubert's music for piano trio, they embark on a series of the Beethoven trios which it is estimated will fill four CDs, to be recorded and issued over the next two or three years. The discs will include not only the well-known 'ops' (1, 70, 97) but also the less familiar chippings from the master's workshop. This first CD includes the two Opus 70 works (one of them the celebrated 'Ghost' Trio) as well as the Allegretto in B flat written three years later in 1812.

All of the music on this album is also available as part of the specially priced box set Beethoven: The Complete Music for Piano Trio (download only).

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